Ron's Photoblog - step by step in pictures

Here I'm publishing the photos of my son, Ron. He was born on October 28, 2005. You are welcome to leave your comments for the pictures. Note: To enlarge image - click on it. Внимание: Для увеличения картинки - нажмите на нее.

Location: Netania, Israel

09 April 2007

Just a Saturday - in the cold pool

Just a Saturday - in the hot bath

08 April 2007

Visiting Mihal, Gil'ad & Shahar

"The Catcher in the Rye". Weekend near Kineret.

Weekend at countryside near Kineret. Ron is exploring our zimmer.

Having Fun at Shawn Gorodnitsky Party

Well dressed for Grand-grand-pa Valya's 80th birthday


Shoot with Sony-Ericsson 710i mobilephone camera

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