Ron's Photoblog - step by step in pictures

Here I'm publishing the photos of my son, Ron. He was born on October 28, 2005. You are welcome to leave your comments for the pictures. Note: To enlarge image - click on it. Внимание: Для увеличения картинки - нажмите на нее.

Location: Netania, Israel

01 June 2008

In "Arena" shopping mall in Hertzelia

31 May 2008

Sea beach restaurant in Netania

At Pesah Happening in Tel Aviv

Ron's artistic workshop

In the park

Photographed by Motorola mobile phone

Purim 2008 in Netania

Iris Reserve in Netania

Simple home photos

"Fishing" at Nahal (River) Alexander

Photographed with Sony-Ericsson mobile phone.

23 February 2008

Visiting cousins in Petah-Tikva

The broadwalk at the Old Tel Aviv Port

We really love this place:

At the farm - buying goat cheeses

Ron hates cheese of any kind. So he loves to come to the farm only to play with young sheep and goats.

What if goat is one of us?...

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